Institute for the Analysis of Global Security


Institute for the Analysis of Global Security

The Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS) is a Washington based non-profit public educational organization dedicated to research and public debate on issues related to energy security. The IAGS seeks to promote public awareness to the strong impact energy has on the world economy and security and to the myriad of technological and policy solutions that could help nations strengthen their energy security.

The organization publishes analysis on the broad spectrum of energy security issues, including books, book chapters, and reports. With numerous media appearances and an in-house online publication - the Journal of Energy Security - the organization is a source of information for reporters, policymakers and the general public. Commentary and opinion pieces by IAGS experts have appear in publications including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Philadelphia Inquirer, Business Week, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The American Interest, Commentary Magazine and Time Magazine. IAGS’ experts are frequent guests on major television and radio networks.

In 2011, IAGS formed the US Energy Security Council. In 2009, IAGS established the Mobility Choice Coalition, a broad spectrum alliance working to enhance competition among transportation modes. In the same year IAGS formed the Technology and Rare Earth Metals Center to bring together policymakers and industry to ensure a secure minerals supply chain for America’s defense and energy industries. The Set America Free Coalition, a strange bedfellow alliance focused on the risks to national security posed by oil dependence, was formed in 2004.

United States Energy Security Council

The United States Energy Security Council (USESC), co-founded in July, 2011 by James R. Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Robert McFarlane, former National Security Advisor to President Reagan. USESC members include: Norman Augustine, Former CEO Lockheed Martin, Hon. William Ball, Former Sec. of the Navy, Geoffrey Bible, Former CEO Kraft Foods, Hon. John Block, Former Sec. of Agriculture, Hon. Harold Brown, Former Sec. of Defense, General Wesley Clark, Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Hon. William Clark, Former Sec. of the Interior, Hon. C. Boyden Gray, Former White House Counsel, Hon. Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Hon. Stephen Hadley, Former National Security Advisor, Hon. Jeffrey Harris, former Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, Senator Gary Hart, John Hofmeister, Former President Shell Oil, Senator Bennett Johnston, Former Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, Hon. John Lehman, Former Sec. of the Navy, Mike Leven, President, Las Vegas Sands, Hon. Robert C. McFarlane, Former National Security Advisor, Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn, Professor George Olah, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Hon. William Perry, Former Sec. of Defense, Hon. Mary Peters, Former Sec. of Transportation, Hon. Tom Ridge, Former Sec. of Homeland Security, Hon. James Roche, Former Sec. of the Air Force, Hon. George Shultz, Former Sec. of State, Hon. R. James Woolsey, Former Director of Central Intelligence.

Mobility Choice Coalition

The Mobility Choice Coalition, established in 2009, advocates a fiscally responsible, free market oriented approach to expanding competition among transportation modes.

TREM Center

Technology & Rare Earth Metals (TREM) are essential parts of the clean technology and defense industries. The mission of the IAGS TREM Center, established in 2009, is to create a forum where policymakers and companies from the minerals, defense technology, cleantech, automotive and finance sectors can advance policies that ensure a secure and diverse supply chains for technology metals.

Set America Free Coalition

The Set America Free Coalition is an alliance of prominent individuals and non-profit organizations from across the political spectrum concerned about the security and economic implications of oil dependence.

Journal of Energy Security

The Journal of Energy Security, published by IAGS, includes articles on energy security matters spanning the globe.

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See also